Last Thursday, July 19th, 2012, we went to the hospital.
Arrived at 9:40 am.
Received a blessing from Bret and my dad.
And lots of love and support from my mom.
Prepped for surgery.
With a platelet count at 81, I was able to get the spinal block and stay awake for the c-section
Tender Mercy #1
Bret sat right beside me until at 12:05 pm, I heard the most precious, anticipataed sound in the world:
The cry of my newborn son.
I won't call that a tender mercy. I'll call that the best, most incredible miracle ever ever ever #1.
Daddy went to be with the baby while they cleaned, measured, weighed, and wrapped him. The baby, not the daddy.
The final weigh-in: 9 lbs, 15 oz, 22 inches long.
BIG boy!
I prayed he'd at least be under ten pounds. We were one ounce shy.
Tender Mercy #2, with a little bit of heavenly sense of humor.
Then, with Mommy very hopped up on demerol, they brought him over.
I couldn't keep the tears from flowing.
He is
And, just as I hoped, looks exactly like his Daddy.
Tender Mercy #3
I think he looks like Ella in this picture.
And he's perfectly healthy
Best, most incredible miracle ever ever ever #2.
They took him away while the doctors finished me up.
Getting my insides shoved back inside me didn't feel good, since I was only numb from the waist down.
And I remember hearing the casual conversation while these people were finishing major abdominal surgery on my body. I had a mental image of myself snapping my fingers above the drape and saying "Um, hello, focus, here, people!"
But they know what they're doing. And they did a fantastic job.
Incision healing well. Pain is manageable.
Tender Mercy #4
Then we go to recovery, where Dad is bonding with baby.
I give nursing a try.
We decide on his name. (Sorry, won't be posting it on the blog).
And just stare at this little one.
The rest of the day is a bit of a blur.
Nurses, meds, adorable baby. Bret, family visits, baby. Kisses, loves, more staring at baby.
"I can't believe this is my baby!"
This is actually day 2. Pay no attention to the sleep-deprived, shell-shocked, unshowered mother in the background. The baby is way better looking.
Proud Daddy.
Doting Grandma.
Next few days were not as enchanting.
Baby continues to do well, while Mommy battles post-partum hypertension and pre-ecclampsia.
Icky medications that made me feel like crap.
NO sleep.
Five days of half heaven, half torture.
Cluster feeding.
Growing to HATE that STUPID blood pressure machine that keeps rolling in every few hours spouting stupid numbers that are way too high!!!
All the while, this sweet baby snuggles, sleeps, smiles, cries, wants his mommy, loves his daddy, meets extended family, and tries (along with mommy) to learn to nurse.
We get the hang of it. Not a total breeze, but not a terrible struggle.
Tender Mercy #5
Then, at LONG LAST, the doctor came to tell me I could go home. I wanted to throw my arms around the guy. But I didn't.
That would be weird.
I'm still on high blood pressure meds. And it's still a struggle.
Will these cankles ever go away and stay away?
But I've got LOTS of support from my incredible husband and wonderful angel of a mother who has come to be with me while Bret is gone at school. She brings me cookies and makes me dinner.
The woman deserves a medal of honor.
Tender Mercy #6
So here we are.
Almost a week after this precious, handsome boy came into our family.
Welcome to the world, little bub.