Saturday, December 10, 2011


Another friend from the PNW. I get jealous of this gal when she talks about the greenery and beaches near where she lives. I'd LOVE to visit the Washington/Oregon area someday.

So, about Jamie.

I don't remember when I started following her blog, What I did Today. I don't remember how I found it or who led me to it. All I know is I love it. I love how she writes what she did "today." Like a journal. It could be something big and exciting, or it could be something little, like "I went to a girl's night. Had a blast. Up too late. Going to bed" kind of thing.

Jamie is another one of my blog friends who I feel like I know. She's so funny and creative, such a good wife and mom, and one of my fellow Pinterest addicts. You can't help but want to be her friend.

Facts I know about Jamie:
~She has 2 ADORABLE little curly haired girls (#3 will be here soon!)
~She's married to Tony
~She comes from an amazing family. Beyond amazing. She has more than 20 siblings, many of whom are adopted from 3rd world countries. (Right, Jamie? Am I getting that number wrong?) Seriously! That is just fabulous.
~She served a mission for our church, something I totally look up to.
~She's good at cooking for special dietary needs and gives good ideas for recipes.
~She loves to read. (including my story blog. She's one of my heroes).

Jamie, thanks for being cool. And for reading Chapterhouse Lane. I love ya.


Saimi said...

I love reading about your bloggy friends, thanks for sharing them Jamie sounds wonderful!!

What I Did Today said...

Hahahaha! You are too sweet and awesome and now I feel so happy and smiley. I was totally shocked when I saw my name in the title. And I have to laugh at Saimi's comment because she's been reading my blog for a while too. Haha! When DID we start reading each other's blogs Amy? Now I'm going to have to burn some brain cells trying to remember. Thanks. You made my night.