This is how I spent my day.
I did some laundry, worked on some writing (I got unblocked! No more creative constipation! Yay!), and decided that since my mum had given me a pumpkin, I HAD to carve it. I mean, come on, it's Halloween, what else am I gonna do? (besides walk up and down Main Street in full costume, but we'll blog about that later.)
So here's how it went.
Me and my pumpkin.

I watched Signs while carving the pumpkin. You can see Mel in the background keeping watch over my progress.
YUM! no, I didn't really eat it. Not even roasted seeds.
I'm imitating my pumpkin's vacant expression. This is the face I make at least forty-three times a week at work.
The finished product!
And here's me admiring my handiwork.
Had a good time! Now my little pumpkin will sit on my mum's porch to greet all the little trick or treaters that don't show up at my fourplex apartment.